
In general, prescriptions for stable chronic medical conditions are written for 6 months at a time. Refills are designed to expire when you are due for your follow up appointment. You may call the clinic with your refill request, or request a refill through your pharmacy. Requests are processed within 24-48 hours. You will be notified when your refill is approved, but please call your pharmacy prior to leaving home to be sure they have had time to fill it.

Controlled Medication Policy

  • HFM will not prescribe chronic pain medications.
  • HFM will not refill any narcotic prescriptions requests without an Office Visit.
  • HFM requires that all benzodiazepine class medication requests are to be processed by the patient’s main provider.
  • HFM providers will clearly document the reason, plan and expectations of the patient when prescribing any refillable controlled prescriptions.

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