Travel Medicine
We offer all required and recommended immunizations for foreign travel. We advise you on health and safety for your trip, and provide prescriptions for potential hazards during your travel, if necessary (malaria, altitude sickness, traveler’s diarrhea, etc.). Please be sure to bring your immunization record with you if you are seeing us for a travel consult.
Something to consider is that some insurances do not cover travel immunizations and process them as elective. Please call your insurance to verify coverage. For more information on the specific travel immunization billing codes and charges please view the Travel Immunization Form located on the Patient Forms page of our website under Clinic Forms. There is also a travel specific Traveler History Form that we request be completed by all new patients coming in to see us for a travel consult.
Update… Return of US licensed Yellow Fever Vaccine (YF-Vax) to Market.
On April 5, 2021 Sanofi Pasteur announced that YF-VAX is once again available for purchase in the United States. Providers with a current Yellow Fever Vaccination Stamp issued by their state or territorial health department may now order YF-VAX from the manufacturer. Locations that administer yellow fever vaccine can be found on CDC’s yellow fever vaccination clinic search page. For more information please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website or the Sanofi Pasteur manufacturer website Sanofi Pasteur Yellow Fever Vaccine.
Now accepting new patients!